Rights of the insured

Rights of the insured

How to get answers to your questions?

You can get any information from mandatory health insurance via info phone 1371. This number is available from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. every day, and you will receive an answer no later than the next working day. You can also report a violation of rights from mandatory health insurance on this phone number. The price of one minute of conversation on this phone is 0.05 KM including VAT (the info phone was opened in cooperation with the Halo Center of Pošta Srpska).

You can get the answer in every branch office of the Fund, as well as by e-mail: portparol@zdravstvo-srpske.org

Protection of the rights of insured persons

In every organizational unit of the Fund, i.e. in every municipality in the RS, protectors of the rights of insured persons have been appointed. Their role is to provide the insured persons with answers to all their questions, to provide them with professional and technical assistance in exercising certain rights, as well as to record all remarks and complaints of the insured persons and to refer them to the procedure for the protection of rights.

You can find the name and surname of the protector of the rights of insured persons in your municipality and the contact phone number on the website of the Fund (www.zdravstvo-srpske.org), by phone number: 051/249-238, or by e-mail: zastitnik.prava@zdravstvo-srpske.org.

The health card is worth more if you know your rights.
The health insurance fund will provide you with all information about your rights, react in all cases of violation of your rights from mandatory health insurance and protect your interests in the process of exercising your rights. A satisfied insured person is the vision of the development of the Republika Srpska Health Insurance Fund. Obrazac prijave povrede prava iz zdravstvenog osiguranja

See more HERE.


You can view information for insured persons HERE.


You can view the guide for the defenders of the rights of insured persons HERE.


You can view the list of rights defenders of insured persons HERE.


The data were taken from the Internet presentation of the Health Insurance Fund of the Republic of Srpska.